UVPhotoMAX™ is a multi-technology air purifier with disinfection capability that extends to all surfaces
Patented Photocatalytic TiO2 + Silver/Zinc Ion Formulation / Germicidal UV-C Air Purifier
UVPhotoMAX™ is a powerful induct air purifier with built-in adjustability for living and working spaces up to 5000 square feet. It is laboratory-proven to disinfect the HVAC airstream air as well as surfaces in living areas. In addition, UVPhotoMAX™ creates cleaner, healthier air in air-conditioned spaces by breaking down odors, VOCs and other airborne chemical toxins.
An effective mix of PCO technologies creates air that is more naturally pure. Ultravation’s exclusive and patented PCO formulation includes zinc and silver ions. To optimize effectiveness in both disinfection and purification, UVPhotoMAX uses two bands of UV-C light with patented adjustability.
UVPhotoMAX™ GI is the ultimate in HVAC air purification
Patented Photocatalytic TiO2 + Silver/Zinc Ion Formulation / Built-in Bi-polar Ionization / Germicidal UV Light / Ozone Free (Conforms to UL 2998)
UVPhotoMAX™ GI is a powerful induct air purifier with built-in adjustability for living and working spaces up to 3,300 square feet. Designed to address virtually all types of air contamination except large particulates such as pollen, it disinfects the HVAC airstream air as well as surfaces in living areas using Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) germicidal UV light and bi-polar air ionization.
An effective mix of PCO technologies and ionization creates air that is more naturally pure. Ultravation’s exclusive and patented PCO TiO2 formulation includes germicidal silver and zinc. To optimize effectiveness in both disinfection and purification.
Independent testing confirms germicidal ultraviolet (UVC) efficacy against SARS-CoV-2
Viral challenge studies were designed by the independent testing firm Innovative Bioanalysis, Inc. of Costa Mesa, California, to determine the efficacy of Ultravation products used for air and surface sterilization for use against coronaviruses, specifically SARS-CoV-2. The validation of the results is confirmed through tightly controlled conditions processes, all performed in accordance with industry and ASHRAE recommendations and guidelines.
Actual live virus (not surrogate) position: 82 inches from purifier
PCO reaches beyond filtration to remove biological and chemical air contaminants
Benefits of Ultravation PCO for indoor environments
Healthier, fresher air through nanotechnology: PCO (photocatalytic oxidation) works at the molecular level to break down chemical impurities including common odors, VOCs and toxic fumes in homes and offices. PCO converts them back into the normal components of fresh air.
PCO is germicidal: Ultravation PCO air purifiers deactivate bacteria, viruses and allergens in the HVAC air stream and on indoor surfaces.
Photocatalytic (PCO) technology differs from filtration with its ability to reduce contamination much smaller than can be captured in filtration
The Science: A unique and patented PCO process
Ultravation PCO air purifier surfaces are coated with a patented titanium dioxide (TiO2) formulation that includes both silver (Ag) and zinc (Zn) ions. This combination enhances both disinfection and the breakdown of complex chemical impurities in the air and on surfaces.